Travel Information
If it’s more covenant: plan to arrive by early afternoon at the Clovis airport
Fly to Albuquerque NM, to arrive, TBA (Vans with NM cadets will leave Albuquerque KAFB Truman gate at, airport arrivals will be picked up and drive you to Clovis with the NM cadets.
TBA , cadets are returned to to Albuquerque airport by 1200.
Drivers: bringing cadets to Clovis Airport plan to arrive at the Clovis Airport, Clovis NM, , during the morning or early afternoon hours and picking up cadets to return home, on TBA (After the “End of Course Banquet”) or TBA morning.
Drop off the cadet at Albuquerque, Kirtland Air Force Base, Truman gate parking lot, Saturday TBA between 1100- 1200 (11:00 am -12:00 pm)
Pick up returning home cadets on TBA at 1200 at the Kirtland Air Force Base Truman Gate parking lot,
The Glider End of Course Banquet on theTBA (Time/Place TBA), if a cadet’s family is able to attend they are certainly invited. We will be presenting cadet awards that night. Cadets with family attending can depart after the banquet for home if desired. Guest cost is in the TBA range, but has not been firmed up.